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Hunter said the race to fill his shoes should be an interesting one, with candidates James Dean and Keith Egli already registered. Hunter said whoever chooses to run should be prepared to show service to. As the latest candidate to seek Conservative nomination for Ottawa West-Nepean she plans to make every voice heard.

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Graham was first asked to seek nomination by fellow Conservatives and since Graham has been shown a solid base of support. Graham lists eHealth and procurement as examples of areas she would like to see improved in the running of the province. According to Graham, the McGuinty government currently ignores the procurement process. Graham is proud of her Conservative past, values and See Graham on page 5.

For more information visit: brookstreet. For seniors who want to uphold their independence and maintain an active and vital lifestyle, Stillwater Creek is the perfect place to live. Shop online: www. Players hosted carnival games at the reception. He positioned himself in the middle of the roadway and stopped civilian vehicles, while attempting to direct police vehicles into the rear laneway off Strandherd Drive.

In an effort to gain access to the crime scene, the subject officer tried to get around McMullen by slowly driving his police cruiser partly onto the sidewalk. This resulted in a severe fracture of his right ankle. The Ottawa police are investigating a robbery that occurred at p.

A group of males assaulted a lone yearold male, demanding the. The victim suffered serious injuries to his face and head. The vehicle has been recovered.

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Anyone with information is asked to contact the Ottawa Police Robbery Unit at ext. Help Haiti initiative Haiti. For the week of Jan. The director of the Special Investigations Unit, Ian Scott, concluded there are no reasonable grounds to believe an Ottawa Police Service officer committed a criminal offence in connection with the injuries sustained by a year-old man. On Nov. Clyde McMullen, who worked at the Shoppers Drug Mart in the plaza, decided to assist the police officers responding. Sunday Worship at a. Call for information, or visit our website: www.

Sunday Worship - a. Minister: James T. Hurd The trails will only be re-opened after a significant snowfall and trail conditions are deemed safe. On Feb. The distracted driving law makes it illegal for drivers use hand-held cell phones and other hand-held devices. Hands-free use of devices is permitted. The new law also prohibits the viewing of display screens unrelated to driving such as laptop computers or DVD players. Police, paramedics and firefighters, as well as some commercial drivers and public service workers may continue to use certain hand-held devices when performing their duties.

All drivers may use hand-held devices to call For information on other activities and events, please call the church office. On Graham from page 3 contributions, claiming that she never once voted Liberal. Graham said she has been encouraged to seek nomination repeatedly by her. Graham has been a staunch Conservative for over 20 years and has hands-on experience at the community level.

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The school was part of a much-debated, two-year long Merivale, south of Baseline accommodation review, that looked at declining enrollment at area schools. The decision means students who live in the Parkwood Hills attendance area, except those who will be directed to Meadowlands Public School, will be sent to Sir Winston Churchill Public School for kindergarten to Grade 6 and early French immersion.

PHPS will be closed at the end of the school year. It is still uncertain as to whether the school will be sold off or used by the board for other purposes. Davis-Ermuth said her kids would be directed to Meadowlands and she worried about childcare. I am not sure what we are going to do. Prizes include a Remington gun, a Baikal single shot , and a taxidermy mount.

He said hunting is normally a solitary sport where shooters sit quietly for hours on end; that is not case with coyote hunting, which is open all year. No pun intended. Federation of Anglers and Hunters that details government reimbursement figures for loss of livestock due to coyotes. He added that shooting the animal is humane. At least this way the coyote dies right away. Doug Thompson said the predators are believed to have killed hundreds of pets and farm animals in his ward, and have frightened parents to the point of keeping their children indoors.

West Carleton-March Coun. Eli ElChantiry checked with police and said.

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We are heavily populated here. She added every letter to the editor in Ottawa daily newspapers to date indicated opposition to the idea, and that such contests cast a poor image on the city. We look like a banana republic. I think they all hate coyotes. She said. She said she would like to see the system modernized to include education and preventative measures, not simply rewards to irresponsible farmers.

Dubreuil said there is proof that contest culls only serve to increase the overall population of coyotes. Dubreuil also dismisses claims of coyotes succumbing to the effects of mange and causing a brutal death in other animals. She said a small group of farmers want more money out of the government, and are stirring up anxiety in rural residents in order to bolster their position. The bottom line for her is that people who move out of town must learn to live with wildlife, and that education and prevention are the only ways to deal with the issue.

For more information call An Ottawa-Carleton School Board decision to sync Barrhaven public school start times with their Catholic board counterparts could mean extra child care costs for parents next fall. The Ottawa Student Transportation Authority — a body which oversees bus transportation for both boards — presented the board with four options last year, designed to save money on busing for Barrhaven students. It would also save the public board an annual one per cent penalty from the province for not meeting transportation efficiency targets.

The changes will only work if both boards agree to the changes — meaning some schools will have start times altered by as much as 30 minutes. Much of the change is driven by the number of buses going to St. Joseph Catholic High School. When asked to consider the options at the close of the last. Out of those, said a change in school start times would affect their commute to work. While said they would get to work only five minutes later, 30 said they would get to work 30 minutes later.

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I am sensitive to the concerns, but I would have liked to see more savings. With the start time changing to a. OSTA sent out a survey, which said the same things only on paper. Barrhaven parents were lead on. They should have told us a year ago that it was going to happen and saved the money. Running unopposed, former Ottawa mayor Bob Chiarelli was acclaimed during a nomination party at Algonquin College on Jan. Chiarelli, who has been away from politics for the last three years, said that he feels re-energized and ready to tackle the big issues that face Ottawa-West Nepean.

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Beth Graham, 55, a. Mark MacKenzie, who owns Appleseed Snowblowing, a company whose vehicles run on vegetable oil biodiesel, won the nomination to run for the Green Party in the riding. Candidates should be celebrated Ottawans should be encouraged by the growing number of candidates for mayor and city councillors. The job of a politician — especially at the local level — is a tough one. What we would like to see from residents is an appreciation of the work that candidates do by taking the time to learn the issues, and more importantly, getting out and casting your vote.
