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Entertainment at Fallsview

Our number one date idea combines local wine and produce, elegant and delicious meals, an unparalleled view of the falls, and a one of a kind experience all wrapped into one. The Skylon Tower stands over feet above the falls, providing an unmatched view of both the Canadian and American falls, and of the entire Niagara region.

On a clear day you can see well into New York, and even all the way to Toronto. The Revolving Dining Room provides you with a degree view of the entire Niagara region. At one rotation per hour, the pace is slow enough to let the landscape sink in, but quick enough to keep you from waiting.

Niagara Falls Attractions

The Summit Buffet is a more casual dining experience that still offers terrific views for a reasonable price. Oct Oct 3. Sep Reserve Now Revolving Dining Room offers award-winning continental cuisine, with a legendary view. Reserve Now. Buy Tickets Observation Deck offers a spectacular degree view of the entire city including the Falls. Buy Tickets. The town has grown up and has put away childish things. Today the City of Niagara Falls is administered under a modification of the city manager plan that does away with the necessity for employing a city manager.

The mayor is elected annually, and supported by a council of seven aldermen. There are no wards. The system calls for the election of four aldermen-at-large one year and three the next.

Election day is the first Monday in December and nominations close a week earlier. Other city business is handled by commissions. Accounts of these bodies are audited annually by city auditors. Permanent appointed officials include a city clerk, city engineer and city treasurer. The city clerk is William S. Orr was first appointed city engineer in Ten years later he took over the additional office of city clerk. The city treasurer for some years has been Mr. Population of the City of Niagara Falls, Of the industrial area, including Stamford Township and Chippawa Village, approximately 28, Tax rate, thirty-six mills, a slight reduction this year.

Police Department. Chief M. Tisdale and nineteen officers, including one motorcycle patrolman. The department operates two patrol cars and a police telegraph system, is now planning to install shortwave radio. Fire Department. Chief Jack Shapton, an assistant chief and twelve paid firemen. A volunteer fire company brings the total fire-fighting personnel to fifty men.

Area of Niagara Falls, 1, acres of land and acres of water. There arc thirty miles of paved streets, sixty miles of paved sidewalks.

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Six public schools, one separate school, one high school. The town has a hustling Chamber of Commerce drumming up new business in the shape of industries and conventions. Willson, manager of the Niagara Falls branch of the Bank of Montreal, is the present president. The secretary is F. The paper, first appearing in , celebrated its diamond jubilee last November. The present publisher. Frank H.

Leslie, bought the property when it was a weekly throwaway in Under Mr. In the Review first appeared as a daily, published in its own building on Park Street, a block away from City Hall. Today the Review has a circulation of around 8,, holds membership in the Canadian Press, prints a number of metropolitan features and runs twelve pages every evening on modern machinery. It covers all the surrounding territory from Thorold to Fort Erie. During the Great War the regiment sent many officers and men overseas, and recruited the 98th Battalion C.

In front of the armories today stands a piece of artillery that has been pretty badly banged up. Hitler might like to know where it is. For the most part the population of Niagara Falls is of British-Canadian ancestry or of British birth. After the war there was considerable British immigration, chiefly of skilled workers and professional men.

Miller, M. Colonel C. There are quite a few former fliers in the community. Chamber of Commerce Secretary Carl Ward was a wartime pilot and later flew Handley-Page planes between London and Paris on one of the first commercial air lines in the world.

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From the days of Samuel Zimmerman, Niagara Falls citizens of means have been generous to their town. Harry Oakes was a notable benefactor, up to the time of his departure from Canada to settle in the West Indies. In addition to the site for the Garden theatre, the mining magnate presented the town with a sixteen-acre property for a municipal athletic field. Publisher Frank H. The local Lions Club provides equipment for the two pools and maintains them, conducting a learn-to-swim campaign each summer.

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There's plenty of play in Niagara Falls. The town boasts of four golf clubs within easy reach, a riding club, bowling club, badminton club and skating club. They do pretty well in that fast company, too. The city was forced to default on the principal of its debentures in There has been no default on interest payments at any time. As a matter of fact, the past two years have been pretty optimistic for Niagara Falls, Ontario.

There has even been money spent on civic improvements. The River Road widening was one such job. The construction of a new front on the old City Hall is another, and sort of funny, at that. Originally built for a market, the square dark grey stone building displayed all the architectural beauty of an old-fashioned jail. Nor was its appearance helped any by the construction many years ago by some forgotten genius, of a fretted and frescoed wooden balcony above the main entrance.

Not to put too fine a point on it, the place was a mess. Here was no simple problem.


Civic funds could not afford a new City Hall, and it seemed pretty well impossible to do anything with the old one, except tear it down. City Engineer Orr burned midnight oil through most of the summer of thinking the thing through. He read books, looked at pictures, talked to architects, and finally came up with plans that transformed the ugly old structure into a passable reproduction of an authentic example of the early colonial.

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Four high steel columns, painted white, support a roofed portico, the whole presenting a dignified front in keeping with the weathered grey walls. The cost was around. Plans are under way, and may be completed before this is printed, to double the illumination of the Queen Street shopping district by installing new lamp standards and using more powerful bulbs. The Provincial Department of Highways is extending the Queen Elizabeth Way in a straight line through the city from west to east, linking Toronto and Hamilton directly with the new Rainbow Bridge.

Children of the Glenview district are to get a new playground.

Things are looking up. The Canadian Carborundum and the Burgess Batterycompanies have built additions to their plants in the past few months. Last August N iagara Falls gained official recognition from the Department of Transport as—if you please—a water port. That came about as a result of a keen bit of conniving on the part of the Chamber of Commerce and City Hall. Obviously Niagara Falls is not.
