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Economic growth in the province has strenghtened over the past few years, but that pace will gradually slow over the outlook period due to demographic factors and the absence of any major projects. After growing by 1. Looking ahead, economic growth is projected to diminish to 0. Household income strengthened in , supported by employment gains and an acceleration in wage growth.

Average weekly earnings advanced at 2. It appears that rather than spend the additional income, households chose to pay down existing debt or save. Growth in retail sales slowed considerably last year, falling from 6. It appears that spending on rate-sensitive durable goods in general weakened last year as financing became more expensive. Interest rates, which had been at unprecedently low levels for close to a decade, rose much more rapidly in and are expected to rise gradually over the next few years as the Bank of Canada gradually raises interest rates to keep inflation and employment stable.

While the average cost associated with carrying a mortgage in the province is relatively low compared to other jurisdictions across the country, it will grow alongside rising mortgage rates and housing prices. This will likely reduce the need for new home construction. A reversal of these factors should contribute to growth in It does not appear as though the uncertainty surrounding trade especially with the United States weighed significantly on export activity in Nonetheless, the USMCA trade agreement should provide stability to exporters over the next couple of years.

The signing of two additional trade agreements recently also means that exporters can engage in tariff-free trade with the majority of their trading partners. It appears that instances of labour shortages are becoming more common across the province, particularly among industries where the need for skilled workers is the greatest.


The sharp rise in the job vacancy rate in the health care and social assistance industry certainly seems to support this view. The difficulty in finding adequate professionals in the health care system has been well documented in the media across the past year. The challenges are particularly elevated among nursing and paramedic occupations.

The apparent difficulty in filling some of these positions could perhaps explain the slowdown in the pace of job gains last year in the health care and social assistance industry. After rising by 4, in , employment grew by 2, last year. More broadly, skill shortages as a whole across the province risk lowering the investment trajectory in the near term, as businesses allocate their efforts elsewhere. The potential for a shrinking labour force over the medium term risks not only lowering the productive capacity of an economy at a time where cost pressures for government services are rising, but also risks exacerbating the labour shortage problem even further.

We have now entered a period where one of the main constraints to job growth in the near term is an overall shortage of labour. As indicated in the most recent provincial budget, the government intends on focussing extensively on spending restraint.

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As such government expenditures will contribute little to economic growth, as revenues grow at a modest pace despite higher transfer payments from the Federal government. Business investment will likely remain subdued for the next couple of years due to the absence of major investment projects.

Canada: Labour markets tighten across the country but real wages have yet to rise. Since , the pace of employment growth has exceeded the growth in the labour force driving down unemployment rates. In , the unemployment rate was its lowest level in 40 years, at 5. Labour market conditions improved in all provinces Figure 6 and among both sexes and broad age groups.

Source: Statistics Canada Table Labour force characteristics by sex and detailed age group, annual. Source : Statistics Canada Table Labour force characteristics by sex and detailed age group, annual. Labour shortages are a growing concern in many sectors and regions of the country. Footnote 10 Job vacancies increased in all provinces in British Columbia had the highest job vacancy rates. Footnote 11 In BC, for example, BuildForce Canada has noted that labour shortage in the construction sector contributed to project delays and cost concerns.

Footnote Twenty years ago, 1 in 10 persons in the labour force was 55 years and over compared to 1 in 5 persons today. It reached a peak in The higher participation of older workers has helped to mitigate some of the impact of population ageing on the labour force. Despite reports of labour market shortages, there has been little evidence that real wages have risen significantly in response.

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Average wages advanced 2. Over the same period, average consumer prices rose 1. Footnote 13 The Bank of Canada has looked at several possible causes. One of these is a short-run adjustment in the energy-intensive regions to lower oil prices. In spite of these influences, the Bank is expecting wages to pick up in the second quarter of Labour market conditions improved somewhat in , as employment grew for the second consecutive year, adding close to 1, jobs to the provincial economy.

More generally, employment has remained essentially flat since , meaning that only a small portion of the near-twelve thousand jobs that were lost in the aftermath of the recession have been recovered. See Figure 6.

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In essence, this implies that economic growth over the past few years has been driven largely because of rising labour productivity. The labour force has trended downwards for the better part of the past decade, and while the modest increase last year is encouraging, it is unlikely to be sustained. All indications are that the labour force will resume trending downward within the next year or two. The decline in the labour force in recent years is owed primarily to a shrinking participation rate.

Persons over the age of 65, who have a much lower rate of attachment to the labour force, are accounting for an increasing share of the working age population. Algotether, after trending downwards for more than a decade, the participation rate will diminish from See Figure 7.

Even though employment growth was essentially flat over the past five years, the unemployment rate diminished considerably due to the shrinking of the labour force.

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Moving foreward, the rate of unemployment should diminish gradually before settling at around 7. The unusually strong population gain in New Brunswick last year reflects a sizeable contribution from net international migration. The number of newcomers to the province should remain elevated over the next couple of years as Ottawa recently raised its immigration targets until The Conference Board of Canada projects around 3, international migrants will land in the province over the medium term.

Despite this, the population will likely begin to decline by around as the natural rate of population increase becomes increasingly negative. The services-producing sector was responsible for all the job gains in New Brunswick last year, offsetting a small decline in the goods-producing sector. With the increase, services-related employment has now risen by a little more than 2, over the past two years.

Looking beyond the overall increase in services-related employment, there was a considerable amount of variation at the industry level. Job gains were registered in six of the eleven sub-industries that make up the Services-producing sector last year. It is notable that the pace of job gains among the former was cut in half down from 4, from the year before.

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Given that this isnt a reflection of slowing demand for health care services since they continue to rise , it is likely that job growth is being constrained by the lack of skilled workers. Just as job gains within the broader services-producing sector were confined to only a few industries, job losses within the sector were confined mostly to trade -2, , and other services The deteriorating labour market conditions within the trade industry was mostly in retail trade, which is not surprising given the significant slowdown in retail sales last year.

A closer inspection of employment figures within the goods-producing sector reveals that labour market conditions were relatively stable last year. The largest increase in employment was the 1, increase in employment in forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas, which fully reversed a matching decline during the year before. The 1, increase, however, was entirely because employment grew higher in the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction sub-industry.

The other sub-industry, forestry and logging and support services , registered a modest decline in employment after remaining flat for close to three years. More generally, most production or export figures suggest that the forest industry has performed reasonably well over the past year despite some challenging circumstances such as low lumber prices and duties on shipments of softwood lumber to the United States.

The annual export figures on sawmills and wood preservation give no indication that forest activity has softened. Although not quite enough to match the pace of growth a year earlier, shipments grew by more than 9. We can provide you with professional ultrasound services without the inconvenience of a long wait time. We offer a wide range of sonographic imaging procedures for all your research needs.

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The main advantages of CT are its speed, which enables rapid imaging and diagnosis in urgent situations, and its ability to visualize fine details in bone, lungs, and other organs. MRI uses powerful electromagnetic and radiofrequency fields and computation to produce cross-sectional images of the body, including of the head, neck, cardiovascular system, breast, abdomen, pelvis, musculoskeletal system, and spine.

Because MRI does not use ionizing radiation, it may be preferred over CT if both modalities would provide comparable information — when imaging children, for example.

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In oncology, this assists early diagnosis, staging and re-staging, identification of treatment response, and detection of recurrence in various cancers. A disadvantage of MRI is that the exams can take up to an hour or more, and patients must be able to remain motionless within a narrow enclosure. It may not be suitable for patients with claustrophobia, those who cannot lie flat for prolonged periods, or those who are obese. Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography In nuclear medicine imaging, trace amounts of radiopharmaceuticals are administered to patients intravenously, or by injection e.

Depending on the radiopharmaceutical administered, the function i. Nuclear medicine exams identify and evaluate a variety of pathologies, including cancers, heart disease, and gastrointestinal, endocrine, and neurological disorders.
