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In response to the violence of the Boston Massacre of and new taxes like the Tea Act of , a group of frustrated colonists protested taxation without representation by dumping chests of tea into Boston Harbor on the night of December 16, — an event known to history as Boston Tea Party. Colonists continued to coordinate their resistance to new imperial measures, but between until , they did so primarily through committees of correspondence, which exchanged ideas and information, rather than through a united political body.

The delegates included a number of future luminaries, such as future presidents John Adams of Massachusetts and George Washington of Virginia , and future U. The Congress was structured with emphasis on the equality of participants, and to promote free debate. The Congress also passed the Articles of Association, which called on the colonies to stop importing goods from the British Isles beginning on December 1, , if the Coercive Acts were not repealed.

After proclaiming these measures, the First Continental Congress disbanded on October 26, As promised, Congress reconvened in Philadelphia as the Second Continental Congress on May 10, —and by then the American Revolution had already begun. The British army in Boston had met with armed resistance on the morning of April 19, , when it marched out to the towns of Lexington and Concord to seize a cache of weapons held by colonial Patriots who had ceased to recognize the authority of the royal government of Massachusetts.

The Patriots drove the British expedition back to Boston and laid siege to the town. The Revolutionary War had begun. Although the Congress professed its abiding loyalty to the British Crown, it also took steps to preserve its rights by dint of arms.


On June 14, , a month after it reconvened, it created a united colonial fighting force, the Continental Army. The king dismissed the petition out of hand. For over a year, the Continental Congress supervised a war against a country to which it proclaimed its loyalty. In fact, both the Congress and the people it represented were divided on the question of independence even after a year of open warfare against Great Britain. Early in , a number of factors began to strengthen the call for separation.

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At the same time, many Americans came to realize that their military might not be capable of defeating the British Empire on its own. Meanwhile, the war itself evoked hostility toward Britain among the citizenry, paving the way for independence. In the spring of , the provisional colonial governments began to send new instructions to their congressional delegates, obliquely or directly allowing them to vote for independence.

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The provisional government of Virginia went further: It instructed its delegation to submit a proposal for independence before Congress. Congress postponed a final vote on the proposal until July 1, but appointed a committee to draft a provisional declaration of independence for use should the proposal pass. The committee consisted of five men, including John Adams and Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania. But the declaration was primarily the work of one man, Thomas Jefferson, who penned an eloquent defense of the natural rights of all people, of which, he charged, Parliament and the king had tried to deprive the American nation.

The Declaration of Independence allowed Congress to seek alliances with foreign countries, and the fledgling U. Surveyors like McArthur, A. Bridgland would go on to found the Canadian Alpine Club while mapping over 34, square miles between and , making Canada the international leader in photo-topography.

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View the Rocky Mountain Survey Maps. The discovery of gold in the Yukon in led to a stampede to the Klondike region between and In William Ogilvie was authorized by Ottawa to head an expedition to locate as definitely as possible the st meridian on the Yukon River. This action heralded the first direct attempt to fix with precision the Canada-United State boundary line in that part of North America.

View the Klondike Gold Rush Maps. The South African War — was Canada's first foreign war. Although only Canadians died in South Africa, the war was significant because it marked the first time Canadian troops distinguished themselves in battle overseas. View the Boer War Map Collection. Most of the maps in this collection were produced by the British Ordnance Survey for the Allied forces, although a few German, French and other maps purchased privately by officers exist within the collection. They range in scale from very detailed operations maps used for trench raids to very broad overview maps used to show the entire front.

The majority of the collection is made up of , scale trench maps, , scale artillery maps, and , scale officer's planning maps. The bulk of the collection is from the latter part of the war in the years and when map production had increased dramatically. Many are of the Canadian sector of the front during the so-called "Last Hundred Days" of the war August - November with some produced by the Canadian Corps topo section. Army Map Service A. They cover most of Europe at multiple scales.

They should be of particular interest to historians and genealogists but can also be used by anyone interested in obtaining a visual accompaniment to related texts, documents and records. The maps in this collection were produced by the U. Most of the sheets are dated between the war years of Our collection consists of map sheets from the set of nearly Most fall within South Korea and some have more than one edition, bringing the total number of maps in the collection to almost Some maps are monochrome with Sino-Korean characters while later editions tend to be in colour with text in English and place names in romanized letters.

View the Planetary Map Collection. This help would lead to the only invocation of the War Measures Act during peacetime in Canadian history. Discovery Catalogue.


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Find Search. How Do I….? She placed her partner as a guest on the lease. He has basically moved in, something I have not approved and have asked for him to leave. This has been going on for months now. All of the personal details are unimportant he does not pay for anything and does not work etc etc and I will not waste your time with them, but suffice it to say, this is not a situation I want. Because I am another tenant and have asked this person to leave, do they have any right to stay? Can she just move someone in when I do not want them to be moved in?

Our landlord does not know about this as of yet. I am currently trying to have her agree to have my part of the lease assigned to him and for myself to move out. This may not occur though and I would then want him to leave because I do want to have a space to live and not be confined to my bedroom and paying for someone else to live in the space whom I do not want to be there, do not trust, and do not feel safe around.

Thank you so much for your blog it has answered many of my questions! Hopefully this one too :.

Hi: Roommate disputes like this are not regulated by statute. There is no specific law that can be pointed to that sets out a code of behavior between roommates. You co-tenant has the same rights with respect to the premises that you do. Where the two of you want to opposite things there is conflict. You could throw him out and she could bring him back. How the police would react is unclear--a lot would turn on whether they need to keep the peace or not. It is an ugly situation. Your attempt to assign your interest in the lease to the partner of your roommate makes a lot of sense.

If she refuses to play ball then there are a few different ways of proceeding including seeking to terminate the lease, moving out and forcing the roommate to pay the entire costs.

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Important of course is documenting the issues with your roommate via email etc.. If you go through this blog you will find similar comments and issues and proposed ways of dealing with roommates like this. Good luck to you. Hi there Michael Thiele, I appreciate your informative blog. I have recently invited my boyfriend to come visit me for an extended period of time 6 weeks , To which my roommates have disapproved of, for no reason other than "we don't want to live with a boy".

He is tidy, polite, and very rarely around the house. Are utilities are included in our rent, so he is not a burden, in that aspect either. This being said, my Landlord has just messaged me saying the following: removing sensitive information for privacy : Hi name , it has come to our attention that your boyfriend has been living at address for the last month He has to move out immediately as he is not on the lease.
