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Who's Wendy? Where's your daughter? What happened to her? Everyone just loved hearing about my odd childhood, and when I sat down to write The Mystery of the Frozen Brains , I pulled inspiration from some of the commentaries that I had performed on CBC Radio. I remember talking about that on CBC. I can work that into the novel.

That started off as a CBC Radio commentary all about my ugly corduroy pants and dealing with my mom in what was at the time the Woolco department store and how she couldn't wait for me to get into the dressing room. She just yanked my pants down in the middle of the store. As a kid, you don't take into account growth, and you grow fast. For parents on a bit of a budget, that growth spurt is the difference between having clothes for one year and not having clothes for the next year.

So, if you, as a parent, have to make a choice, you buy the clothes that will last two years. And, if your children they have to grow into them, then they will. I believe that part of it has to do with that upbringing I had in that small town. Remi Boudreau was a composite of two different friends. One was my first best friend and the other one was the friend that I had in high school.

Their two personalities morphed into Remi. Trina was based on a girl I had a crush on and a girl I hated. I wanted the series to end after a certain point. My plan is that I'll write one more, and then wrap up the series. Chan, a visiting author, Never Marty. I'm just Martychan, and I think it has to do with the fact that, when the students see me up there, they're seeing the grownup version of the character that they've been reading about.

For instance, the grocery store is real, and I did work in the store, but we didn't actually live in it. We lived in a house about three blocks away.

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For the sake of the story, I thought it would be more interesting to have the family live in the grocery store because there were Chinese families that did own businesses and did live in the back. It allows me to ramp up the conflict if I put the home in the store because the parents are always at the store. If Marty and Remi are getting into trouble at the house, they'll never be caught by the parents. I'll put them all together and see what trouble sparks.

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  • The conflict is if the French and the English actually can wage war with each other every recess and every noon hour as opposed to just before school and just after school. There would be no real drama or conflict if they were in separate buildings, and so I pushed them together.

    For me, that's one of the fun things about drawing from my life but then making the dull parts interesting. Henday aka the Rake. I know that principals aren't like that nowadays, but I needed a strong authority figure who could be a foil to the kids, especially because I knew the kids were growing up and that their teacher would change in each book that they were in. They all want to know if that's what my principal actually did. I had to explain that what the Rake does is the dialled-down version of what my principal really did.

    And, depending what you did, the strap may come off the wall and may sit on the desk. If you were really bad, he may emphasize a point by whacking the strap against his desk to illustrate what might happen to you if you were to commit the indiscretion again.

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    After that experience in his office, nobody would ever push anyone on the snow hill or throw snowballs. Just the threat of the strap alone was enough to get everyone to behave, and so he never used it on anyone. He just used it as psychological warfare. No one's using a strap any more,' and so I dialled it down to a guy who taps his elbow and who is very strict and very stern.

    I came up with the kids who live in the trailer park because there's always an economic breakdown in every school. I thought it would be cool to explore these other forms of prejudice so that kids wouldn't just necessarily think about skin colour as being the thing that results in discrimination. They would see that there are other ways in which people can be segregated or persecuted. Then what happens is that you start to see that everyone comes from the same place.

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    We've all experienced some form of prejudice, some form of discrimination. Some may have experienced a higher degree of it, but, at the base level, everyone's gone through that experience. My mother-in-law has diabetes as does my father, and there's a certain way that you start to look at people when they're diagnosed with an illness.

    I always try to bring them up to the light and say.

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    What you're doing is you're just going, "I see who you are. I know who you are just by how you look. I won't make the effort to find out who you are as a person. In some ways, I'm sort of reliving that childhood through these books, and again that's the reason why I named myself the main character.

    I was the only Chinese child in the school. While another Chinese kid came when I was in grade 9 or 10, by that point, all my neuroses had been established. When my brother was growing up, I think there was another Chinese kid at his school, and so my brother didn't feel that same sense of isolation, which was nice for him because he's become much more well-balanced than I am which is probably why he's in banking and I'm a writer. I always joke that writing's cheaper than therapy. I went to the Chinese Association dance where I thought there would be other Chinese people just like me.

    However, I found out that the Association was mainly for Hong Kong students, and they referred to me as a banana yellow on the outside but white inside or a CBC, a Canadian born Chinese. At that point, I realized that, even though we may look alike, we still have differences.

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    That was one of the things that I took with me, and it started feeding into the various things that I've written over the years. The other thing that people seem to forget is that even visible minorities have prejudices. If you're looking at somebody who is Chinese, you realize they have their own sets of prejudices.

    I know that from my mom because she was prejudiced about Caucasians, and her prejudice came out of ignorance and fear. She didn't know the woman that I was dating, but she was afraid that something would go wrong between the two of us. For some reason, my mom thought that if I dated somebody who was Chinese, she would feel more comfortable because the Chinese would understand what the Chinese culture is all about. They probably don't know the first thing about how to pay respect to their elders because they've been westernized according to the way my parents would look at it.

    They're noble. They can do no wrong. I may not see the same situations, but I know that feeling.

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    In today's climate of political correctness in speech and writing, some publishers would have shied away from including these terms, but author Marty says, "Thistledown did not balk at all. From what I remember when I was working with the editor, he caught me on other things, but he never called me on using racial language. If you're worried about alienating your audience or upsetting your potential consumers, I can see why publishers would try to flag those words.
