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New rules for eligibility to join are being created ad hoc. I understand that SRFFA has now been informed that banning us non-members will not be tolerated at future meetings. Secondly, this association is managing monies from the public purse and should be open to scrutiny and better oversight from Wheatland County. Prior to the decision to remove non-members from the meeting on May 27th, we were privy to a board discussion, regarding a requirement in the bylaws for an annual audit of the SRFFA financials.

I say the SRFFA is using corrupt practices, especially in light of the recent funding problems within the association.

June 7, 2013 Strathmore Times

Thirdly, our Fire Chief Curt Emde and his Deputy Chief, Ryan Hausworth, were dismissed due to not reporting an incident regarding an alleged harassment of a community member. The allegations were found by the RCMP to be unsubstantiated. The dismissal left the Carseland community members afraid that adequate coverage was not being provided and it did great damage to good men who have given our community many volunteer hours. Will a formal public apology and re-instatement be forth coming? Again, it left residents angry and afraid that coverage is not being provided to our area of the zone.

I want these issues resolved. Regards, Tina Scott Carseland. Important changes to shelterbelt To the Editor Thank you for the opportunity to provide my information on the Prairie Shelterbelt Program.

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The agriculture scene on the Canadian Prairies has changed over the past few decades. It is important that these changes be recognized and government programs are modified so that they are effective and efficient. It has done a good job over the years, but for the most part, those initiatives have been taken care of and corrected. The federal role in providing trees to farmers can be traced back to the early s with the need to help people immigrating to Canada to shelter their homes and farms from the elements.

Later on, when the federal government needed to intervene during the combined emergencies of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl conditions of the s, helping farmers to plant shelterbelts was an effective way of dealing with the severe soil erosion occurring on the Prairies. Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada AAFC is actively exploring opportunities to transfer staff and all associated assets to interested third parties who could acquire ownership of the distribution program. AAFC is making every effort to ensure that the closure of the Prairie Shelterbelt Program is done in a manner that maximizes the future economic and employment opportunities for Indian Head, Saskatchewan.

AAFC will continue to develop agro-forestry science, technology and genetic materials at the site in Indian Head to help ensure the future sustainability of the agricultural land resource base and improve the competitive position of the agriculture sector. While shelterbelts continue to be useful to farmers, modern farmers can make decisions about soil preservation and land management without getting free trees from the federal government.

The Agro-forestry Development Centre visit: www. Wheatland Council, along with other municipalities, certainly could become involved and work with a coalition looking to continue a shelterbelt program at Indian Head. The Government of Canada will no longer be involved after December Since the announcement of the end of the program in , non-government organizations, coalitions, farmers and other supporters have been encouraged to come forward to continue the operation. The traditional birthstone for June is the pearl? It is a symbol of purity and is the only gem that comes from living sea creatures.

The flower for the month of June is the rose? Roses are a symbol of love and appreciation.

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They are also known as the flower of passion. Correction On page 15 of the May 31 edition of the Strathmore Times there was a mistake in the article, Summer reading program returns. It states that the program runs from July 23 to August The correct dates are actually July 2 to August We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Putting an end to theft To the Editor Regarding the issue of April 18, involving the loss of my tool case which included specialized tools needed for my work of Piano Technology, I do want to pursue this issue There must be more exposure to this violation and others, which, as I talk to more and more people, these violations are happening all too frequently in our neighborhoods Many are affected but many of these crimes actually go unreported. I believe that it is important to keep the details of these issues alive and exposed, rather than being so complacent with the attitude of what happens, happens We, as society, should not be so complacent - these and other violations will only become more rampant.

The attitude of helplessness and ultimate acceptance of being violated by so many truly disturbs me, as bad seeds are being nurtured here. As a kid growing up I was taught with strong encouragement that if its not yours, do not touch it!

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The Golden Rule in everything - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Im hesitant to point blame to the youth of our community Walking the streets, some perhaps seeking entry into vehicles, homes, garages. Even if a door is left unlocked, rite of entry is not warranted without the owners permission. We have to be comfortable to trust.

Regards, Kathie L. Zakresky Strathmore. Pass the Salt As I was reading this week, my mind moved to some of the wisdom expressed in Ecclesiastes - 8: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.

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A time for giving birth, a time for dying; a time for planting, a time for uprooting what has been planted; Looking around our world, from individual household to the international sphere, these things can be appreciated in todays life. Babies are born and elders pass on around us. The Circle of Life keeps rolling on. Seeding is just about complete hereabouts, and weeding and spraying will try to save the good crop for the harvest while reducing the confounding weeds. Celebrations can and do happen to mark milestone of life, whether the celebration of the life of a friend as in a funeral, or the milestone passages for children, graduates, marriages, childbirth, and wedding anniversaries among us.

That people stay safe and experience joy while doing this is something I pray for. Holding ones tongue at times, and speaking up for what is right or the oppressed or the weakest among us are both good things. Discerning when to do each is a skill requiring much practice. We can take solace that we have not endured war in our land in over years. Pity the areas of the world in active conflict these days. Blessed be the Peacemakers should be on the mind of all of us. With these thoughts in mind, let us savour the pleasures, and endure the pangs of life in our community these days in this season of spring renewal.

Trinity Open House success On May 29, Trinity Lutheran Christian Academy held an open house, to show off their facility to parents of school aged children living in Strathmore and surrounding area.

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The Academy first opened its doors in the school year and at that time had 56 students. Now, as their fifth year comes to an end, the student count has grown to , ranging from pre-kindergarten through Grade 9. Cool end to school year Christopher Cool celebrates the year coming to an end for the preschoolers at Hope Community Covenant Church. On May 28, the three and four year old classes, along with their parents, assembled to watch Christopher Cool do his thing.

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The kids were thoroughly entertained, but sad to see the year come to an end. Christopher Cool back and Spencer Johansen. All municipalities over people are required by the government to have an MDP. It is a thirty year plan which is reviewed every five years. It guides County policy on development issues of future land use, municipal services, infrastructure and facilities.

They can be expanded to include guidelines for financial planning, social, physical, economic, cultural, and environmental development and programs. So, once initiatives are placed in the final draft and the bylaw is drafted and approved, residents will have to abide by its rules for another five years. This is your opportunity to tell us if you agree or disagree with the draft, and tell us what you would like to see instead, said Alex Taylor, Project Manager from Dillon Consulting who compiled the draft MDP.

Taylor combined information for the draft from: Alberta Government requirements, reviews of the previous MDP, results from discussions with County Council and Development and Planning staff, and all the feedback given at open houses held in the community, or submitted in writing.

He presented a clear, organized summary of the suggested draft at open houses held in Cheadle and Rosebud on May 27 and 28 respectively. The various levels of planning were outlined, and Taylor showed where a MDP fits in. He described the various plans and policies affected by it, right down to an individuals decision to build.

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Taylor said the previous MDP had more context and this review is more specific and includes more policies.
