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Ore, 1lov. The first he had never regretted IL Applause. The r. He could alt.. It t8. And with all oar weaks. Jule to Patmos saw it. The guest qoe. Patriarch, W. Smith were -J C. Moorhead, Asst. Patriarch, A. Central R. Bali, is.

Orr, Sec. Bull, repro committee ; and J. McDonald, l'. Redmond, G. Hillis, J. Haslem, W. Ryan, W. Canon made very kindly allusion t..

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Watson, Wm. Stewart in Mains, D. The author draws a connection between the architecture, a developing provincial community, and the circumstances and character of the families who built both. Edmund's Twp - Tara - Walkerton - Wiart. Bruce County Historical Society annual yearbook consisting of articles written by a variety of authors. Stewart The St. Alex Shaw Teeswater Reformed Pres.

A composite photograph comprised of 47 sepia-toned headshot photographs of members of Bruce County Council, , bearing their names: Joseph M. King, Andrew McKay, D. Eidt, J. Moir, R. Coummans, John McKee, J. McDonald, Robert Thompson, L. George Cook, R. Graham, W. Sanfield Johnston, Dr. McEwen, Dr. Hiram Wigle, DeWitt H. Martyn, J. She says she is still struggling to find work.

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Retirement is looking much different now. A job layoff and defined benefit pension loss has impacted the date," says a woman, 51, from Richmond Hill. A year-old Kamloops, B. The cost of providing for adult children was another major financial obstacle cited by many older Canadians.

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This year-old woman from Newmarket writes: "I'm fearful that one of my children may come to me for financial help in the future. They are both educated and have good jobs but Pensions — or a lack of — were mentioned repeatedly by those who shared their stories with the Globe. Not a millionaire, but very comfortable," says this Toronto woman, A year-old woman from Niagara Falls says inadequate pension income has her wondering whether to delay retirement until age It's a worry.

A year-old man from Edmonton says "working from 65 to 71 has significantly increased my net worth such that I do not have to worry too much about finances.

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Meanwhile, this Vancouver man, aged 90, said he worked well into his 80s, "solely because I enjoyed it. However, by postponing retirement to age 75, I will be able to do everything that I ever wanted to do," says a Kitchener, Ont. An Ottawa man, now 71, says he retired early and then worked part time for another 16 years.

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The money he earned helped cover expenses and funded travel plans. A year-old man from Grimsby, Ont. The reward was 24 per cent returns last year. This year won't be as good, but it will be damn better than what the bank can offer or I should say take from me. Meanwhile, a year-old Mississauga man says "low rates of returns on investments are delaying my retirement.

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