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There is relatively low-tech work such as trimming plants, packaging oils or answering customer calls. The company has also been hiring workers with more advanced skills in pharmaceuticals, information technology and management. Castillo, for instance, is a former Ottawa resident who moved to Smiths Falls to be part of the community. Nicaragua-born, he is also a newcomer in a town in which 95 per cent of the population of 9, are native Canadians.

The presence of a global, equal-opportunity firm may be having other spinoff effects.

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Smiths Falls last month hosted its first pride parade, featuring more than 70 people, and sizable crowds along Beckwith Street. When Canopy Growth hired him, he was happy to return home, but happier still to work at a firm that offers opportunities — Swayne has been promoted multiple times since he joined. Swayne, too, has been heavily involved in hiring newcomers, most recently to help the company staff its new retail stores.

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These days, he has to arrive before a. Smiths Falls very nearly missed this boom. In spring , co-founder Chuck Rifici was checking out a potential location for the firm in Arnprior.

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Arnprior mayor David Reid explains the location being considered, the Playtex building, was in the middle of a residential area. His agent referred him to the former Hershey plant but it held little initial appeal. Denise Batson, the Ontario government official, persuaded him to go anyway. Rifici had called Batson to inquire about possible financial assistance from the province. When he mentioned the Hershey facility, Batson perked up. They learned, somewhat to their surprise, that Staples was predisposed to support the arrival of a marijuana company. He was just The former mayor never forgot that.

Staples invited Rifici to return with his co-founder, Bruce Linton, and present their idea for a marijuana business to the town council.

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Then they mentioned they had been looking at other places to build their business. Staples had been at the helm when Hershey closed its doors in December , throwing more than people out of work. Stanley Tools and the Rideau Regional Centre, a health-care facility, also closed operations around the same time. Small towns across Canada often face heavy risks because their economies are too small to diversify. Compounding the uncertainty, decisions concerning the fate of significant employers are often made elsewhere. Paul Cadeau, a former Hershey manager who works as a consultant for Canopy Growth, knew most of those laid off.

The Hershey expatriates coped in a variety of ways. Some found work locally in retail. Others relocated or commuted to jobs in Brockville or Ottawa. Many had worked at Hershey for decades and were in their 40s and 50s. Too many went broke. Very few former Hershey employees can be found today at Canopy Growth — less than 50 of the current workforce of is in this category.

Age has a lot to do with it. A decade on, many of these former Hershey workers are in their 50s and 60s. For many, it was a lost decade. Town officials attribute this to a spill-down effect. Economically Smiths Falls lagged the entire region for years. Its population was flat between and while the number of people in Ottawa jumped 15 per cent.

Over the same period, the population in nearby Carleton Place and Arnprior increased by 13 per cent and nine per cent, respectively. Only Perth, where the head count grew by 0. While the learning outcomes for the Academic and Career Entrance ACE certificate courses at all locations are standardized, elective courses vary between campuses. Academic Upgrading courses are offered in a classroom setting of up to 30 students.

The courses have set curriculum and you are expected to meet the learning outcomes within given timelines.

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In light of this, Academic Upgrading is not recommended if you required a significantly modified or adaptive learning program in high school. As such, you may be referred or redirected to other literacy service providers whose programs may better suit your needs. This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience.

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