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About CACP. Digital Forensics Sub-Committee. Research Briefs. Poster Social Media Media relations. RF Connect. Who is RF Connect for? Government Relations. Order of Merit of the Police Forces. Order of Merit of the Police Forces Recipients. Past Recipients. Research Foundation. Back: river in the North-west Territories, emptying into an arm of the Arctic Ocean.

It is known also as the Great Fish River. It took the name of Back from its discoverer, Sir George Back. He served with Sir John Franklin in Arctic explorations. In Back was commander of an expedition in search of Sir John Ross. While prosecuting his quest he discovered this river. Baddeck: town in Cape Breton island, Nova Scotia. Others state it means "a place with an island near-by". While an island is adjacent to the settlement, Rand's explanation is in all probability the correct one. Baffin: island and a bay, Franklin district.

They are named after William Baffin by whom they were discovered in Bagot: township in Renfrew county, Ontario, surveyed in Petersburg, The Hague and Vienna. He was appointed Gover- nor-Generai of Canada in He treated all parties with equal justice. During his administration the leaders of the Reform party first held office as ministers of the Crown, under the new system of responsible government, their party having then a majority in the legislature. He resigned in owing to ill health and was about to return to England when he died at Kingston, much regretted.

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Bagot is also the name of a county in Quebec, and a canton in Chicoutimi county, Quebec, erected in , in honour of Sir Charles. Baie Verte: village and a bay, Westmoreland county, New Brunswick. The name was given to the bay by the early French settlers. The words mean in English "green bay". The name is descriptive of the salt-water grasses which in summer make the bay look like a great meadow. Bala: pleasant village and summer resort in Muskoka, Ontario.

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The name is derived from Welsh bala meaning "a shooting-out", "the outlet" of a lake. This peak is visible to the south from the C. The mount was named in honour of Mr. Stanley Baldwin, Prime Minister of Great Britain, on the occasion of his visit to Canada in , the provincial government of British Columbia making the suggestion to the Dominion government. He was the first British Prime Minister to visit Canada while in office. Baldwin was received everywhere with the greatest acclaim.

Ballantyne: township in Nipissing, Ontario, formed in Thomas Ballantyne, M. He was Speaker of the Ontario Legislature for four years. Bally canoe: community or district in Yonge township, Leeds county, Ontario, settled by immigrants from the vicinity of the village of Ballycanoe, Wexford county, Ireland. The origin of part of this name is uncertain. Bally is a term found in many Irish place-names and means "town, community".

In his History of the County of Wexford published in , Herbert Hone states "The name [Ballycanew] probably signifies 'Conway's town' but no original Irish authority has been or probably ever will be discovered to prove whether this conjecture is correct. In Irish an is the form of the definite article "the" and noe often occurs for "new". Banff: town in Alberta, situated at the headquarters of the Rocky Mountains Park 2, square miles , controlled by the Dominion Government. Bangor: township in Hastings county, Ontario, erected in It is named after Bangor in Wales, situated in a very picturesque district.

Barrie: township and town in Simcoe county, Ontario, and also a village, Barriefield, near Kingston, Ontario. They were named after Commodore Robert Barrie who was stationed at Kingston during the War of 14, and for some years after. In he proceeded by way of Lake Simcoe on a tour of inspection of the naval depots of the Great Lakes. Barton: township in Lincoln county, Ontario, formed in It takes its name from Barton in Lincolnshire, England.

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The early form of the word is Barntown. Remains of an early British fortress are still to be seen here. Bastard: township in Leeds county, Ontario, erected in It takes its name from an ancient family who resided in Devonshire, England. They trace their descent from Robert Bastard whose name and extensive lands are recorded in Doomsday Book.

John Pollexfen Bastard, M. At Bassano is the great Horseshoe Bend dam where the level of the Bow River has been raised forty feet. This dam is the second largest in the world, being exceeded in size only by the one at Assuan or Aswan which holds back the waters of the Nile. Horseshoe Bend dam has been the means by which the semi-arid lands of Southern Alberta have been irrigated into thousands of fertile farms. Bath: county town of Addington county, Ontario. It is named after Bath, a city in Somersetshire in England, founded by the Romans in the 1st century B.

Bath is also the name of a glacier and brook, tributary to Bow River, Alberta. On July 20, , Major Rogers of the C. This incident was the immediate occasion of their name. Bathurst: township in Lanark county, Ontario, erected in Battle: lake and river in Alberta. They are so named from many a battle having taken place on their banks between the Cree and Blackfeet Indians.

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  • Battlefields: park belonging to the city of Quebec. It comprises acres, the whole of the strip bordering on the St. Lawrence from the Citadel to Wolfe's Cove. The battle of September 13th, , was fought on a farm of thirty- two acres formerly owned by Abraham Martin, the royal pilot of the 17th century.

    A large part of the suburbs of Quebec city is now built upon the original Plains of Abraham. In the Dominion Government purchased the renowned site of Battlefields Park from the Ursuline Ladies of Quebec, whose property it had been for many years, for eighty thousand dollars, and transferred it to the City of Quebec, on the Corporation undertaking its development and maintenance. On account of its commanding situation and ever-memorable associations this Park is destined to become a great Imperial shrine. Bayham: township in Elgin county, Ontario, surveyed in It was named after Viscount Bayham, M.

    He voted for the Canada Act, commonly called the Constitutional Act of Beamsville: village, Lincoln county, Ontario. It took its name from Jacob Beam, an early settler, who owned the land where the village is located and laid it out in town lots. He died about the year Beauce: county in Quebec.

    It was named after Beauce in France, a little district celebrated for its fertility. Beauharnois: county, town and canal connecting Lake St. Francis with Lake St. Louis in the province of Quebec. They take their name from M. The flow of water and the drop in the canal at Beauharnois is said to possess immense electric power possibilities. Installation of machinery to produce , horse power is in progress with a contemplated enlargement to secure 2,, horse power.

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    Beckwith: township in Lanark county, Ontario, formed in Beckwith is an English surname borne by a long line of illustrious soldiers. This township was probably named after Major-General George Beckwith. He was appointed to the chief command in Ireland in , which he held till , when he died unmarried.

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    Bedford: township in Frontenac county, Ontario, erected in Beeton: village in Simcoe county, Ontario. It is so named because of a large apiary there. The place was formerly known as Clarksville, after Robert Clark, one of the first settlers, though the post office of Tecumseth, after the township, was for some years in the village, having been removed from some miles away. The change of the name to Beeton was effected in by D. Jones who conducted an apiary there. Bell Ewart: village in Simcoe county, Ontario. It took its name from James Bell Ewart, a bank agent in Dundas, but owner of a large tract of land in this district.

    They are named after a local Indian tribe.

    Bellechasse: island, bay, township, and county in Quebec. The name is said to have originated with Champlain, suggested by the excellence of the chase in the district, from French belle and chasse, "good hunting ground". Belleville: city in Hastings county, Ontario. In early documents it is spelled Bellville.

    It is said to have been named after a Colonel, a pioneer of the district.
